Encapsulation X Modern Technology

We follow the science, and the truth is that much of the nutritional benefit of oral supplements is lost due to insufficient absorption. Simply put, if an ingredient doesn’t get metabolized, it won’t help your recovery. Unlike other providers, we're focused on only 2 things: making is safe and simple, and maximizing bioavailability. We treat your placenta using modern technology to eliminate impurities and preserve the beneficial hormones and nutrients.

Learn more about our process below:

  • Step 1 Drainage

    Excess blood is drained out of the placenta to minimize contamination, using a single use drainage bag.

  • Step 2 Decontamination

    Our medical grade disinfection sterilizer's unique decontamination cycle eliminates impurities, and preserves the nutrients in their original form.

  • Step 3 Sealing

    Your decontaminated placenta is sealed in a secure vacuum-sealed bag. The insulated air retains heat to keep the temperature consistent and prevents evaporation.

  • Step 4 Sous Vide

    We use a commercial grade thermal sous vide circulator to process the tissue at 210°F, being careful to find the balance between making the tissue digestible while ensuring the nutrients and hormones are maintained.

  • Step 5 Dehydration

    Excess fluid is removed over 4 hours using our bacteriostatic UV dehydrator.

  • Step 6 Grinding

    The dried material is placed into a pulverizer stainless steel powder machine to achieve its optimum granularity.

  • Step 7 Encapsulation

    The fine ground powder is inserted into 240 vegan gelatin capsules.

  • All materials are client specific, meaning that each placenta is sterilized individually throughout the process.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E is a group of eight fat-soluble compounds that together offer important health benefits. The antioxidants in vitamin E, especially one called Alpha-Tocopherol are scientifically known to repair age-related cell damages. Found in almonds, pine nuts, avocado, fish and red bell peppers.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is transferred through the placenta to the fetus during pregnancy and through breast milk after birth. Infants need vitamin B12 for supporting brain development and producing healthy red blood cells. Vitamin B12 is found in foods from animals, primarily meat, fish, milk and milk products, and eggs.
The levels of iron during pregnancy become even more apparent postpartum. It's important to replenish the iron you lose during childbirth. Your iron stores supply your baby with iron for their proper development and thyroid function. Good iron sources include red meat, oysters, peas, and chard.
Folate helps the body make new cells, including red blood cells. Clinical trials show that new moms with lower folate levels are at higher risk of major depression or may experience more severe depressive symptoms. Folate is found naturally in spinach, avocado, and banana.
Vitamin B6
The placenta is loaded with vitamin B6 which is important for general cell metabolism. Commonly found in poultry, fish and eggs, vitamin B6 is suggested for relieving nipple vasospasm in breastfeeding mothers, and helpful for symptoms of pre-menstrual tension or postnatal depression.
Cytokines are group of proteins made by the immune system that act as chemical messengers between cells. Research shows they interact with immune system cells, helping to regulate the body’s response to disease and infection. They are found in green leafy vegetables, walnuts and salmon.